Hai sobat RBD! Kembali lagi di artikel bahasa Inggris tentang legend text. Kali ini kita bakalan bahas penggunaan action verbs dan past tenses dalam legend text yang kita pelajari di kelas XI.
Buat sobat RBD yang ketinggalan pembahasan tentang legend text sebelumnya, jangan khawatir. Kamu bisa langsung aja klik tautan artikel ini ya. Setelah kita kenali unsur, generic structure, dan contoh legend text, inilah saatnya kita ngebahas aspek lainnya. Kedua aspek ini bakal bikin kita lebih ngerti alur ceritanya, yaitu aspek kosakata dan tata bahasa.
Oleh karena itu, yuk kita simak contoh action verbs dan past tenses yang muncul di legend text berikut ini.
The Legend of the Dreamer
Many years ago, when the world was young, an old spiritual leader of the Lakota sitting high in the mountain had a vision. In his vision, Ikomi, the great trickster and the teacher of wisdom appeared in the world as a spider.
Ikomi had a word with this old man in a sacred (pure) language that only the spiritual leaders of the Lakota could understand.
As he spoke with Ikomi, the spider took the elder’s willow hoop that had feathers, beads, and offerings on it and commenced to spin a web.
He showed the leader about the cycle of life and how we begin our life as an infant and move to childhood, then to adulthood. “Eventually, we reach the old age where we are taken care of as a baby by our kids, and hence we complete the cycle of life in this manner.”
Leader said, “But, Ikomi (while spinning the web), in each time of life, there are many universal forces – some are good and some bad. If we listen to the good, we will steer in the right direction and when we hear the bad forces, we steer in the wrong path.”
“Yes, there are many forces that lead us to varying directions, some of them help us and some interfere with the harmony of nature and with a great spirit. We get to acquire wonderful lessons.”
All the while, the spider interrupted and he continued to spin his web from outside towards the center.
When Ikomi was done with his speaking, he gave the Lakota elder the web and said, “The web is a perfect circle but there is a hole in its center. Do you know why?”
“Use this web to help yourself and your people to reach your respective goals and make good use of people’s ideas, visions, and dreams,” Ikomi said.
He continued, “If you believe in the greatness of spiritual powers, the web will reach you to the path of goodness and the bad ones will throw you out via this hole.”
The old leader passed on his vision to his people. Now people use the dream catcher as the web of their lives.
It hangs over their bed to bring their hopes and ambitions to fruition. Everything positive in their visions is trapped in the web of life, while the bad flee through the hole in the middle and disappear.
Action Verbs dan Past Tenses
Action verbs adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan tindakan atau aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subjek dalam kalimat.
Ini adalah komponen penting dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Kenapa? Karena action verbs membantu menjelaskan apa yang sedang terjadi atau dilakukan dalam suatu konteks.
Ada banyak action verbs yang muncul. Namun, kita akan fokus pada action verbs dalam bentuk past-nya saja. Sesuai urutan kemunculan kata-kata kerja aksi dalam teks di atas, inilah perubahan kata-kata tersebut ke dalam bentuk past tense:

Lho, nyadar gak sih kata “was” gak ada di list di atas? Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan, action verbs merujuk pada tindakan. Sedangkan, “was” adalah “to be“, sehingga menunjukkan sifat atau status sang subjek, bukan tindakannya.
Dengan mengidentifikasi perubahan action verbs, kita bisa melihat gambaran yang lebih jelas dan dinamis dalam komunikasi bahasa Inggris. Kata-kata yang masih dalam bentuk Verb 1 menandakan bahwa kata-kata tersebut bukanlah kata kerja utama, melainkan hanya pelengkap atau keterangan.
Jadi itulah hal yang perlu kamu perhatikan untuk lebih cepat memahami legend text. Keahlian ini juga bisa kamu latih dengan mengikuti bimbel online ataupun offline dari Rumah Belajar Digital. Yuk kunjungi www.rbdigital.id! See you next article, yaa!
Link: https://www.vedantu.com/stories/legend-of-the-dream